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Responsable de groupe en Chimiothèque / Sample Management Group Leader (H/F)

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Job Id JOB ID-12148 Standort Toulouse, Frankreich Veröffentlichungsdatum 03/13/2025 Job Kategorie Research & Development

Responsable de groupe en Chimiothèque / Sample Management Group Leader (H/F)

Evotec Toulouse, is one of the main centre of excellence for Sample Management at Evotec. The Team here is uniquely qualified to deliver its customers all types of (small and large) sample library management needs, with over two decades of compound management operations on our site. Our state of the start laboratories were custom designed to maintain high compound quality with its controlled atmosphere (dry air, constat temperature) in all areas. Our LIMS system (Mosaic) centralises all sample data and is fully integrated with our 4 automated stores and multiple liquid handling platforms, enabling over 16,000 orders and over 60 Primary screening campaigns to be supported within a year.

Main role and activities :

To lead several teams in their compound management daily activities. To develop and mentor leaders as well as colleagues so they achieve their potential. To develop and maintain relationships with customers. To provide technical leadership in automation and sample management processes from complete understanding and expertise in drug discovery workflows. Interacting and maintaining good relationships with internal customers, other departments and even other Evotec sites is also expected.

Principal responsibilities :

  • Managing and developing team leaders and technicians within the Sample Management context

  • Leading and managing resource allocation and priorities, ensuring preparation et distribution of compound orders in required forms and formats (powder, solutions, plates, ARP etc...) in order to deliver all projects to agreed deadlines

  • Monitoring and driving activities through quality KPI

  • Managing links and interactions across with other departments or multiple Evotec sites

  • Ensuring respect of client’s timelines, milestones and expectations (internal and external customers) as well as confidentiality regarding projects and data

  • Managing customer’s projects, maintaining good relationships with customers (internal and external) ensuring scientific quality and rigour is applied in all activities

  • Provides scientific leadership and operational excellence across all aspects of compound management

  • Leads and manages scientific and technology improvement to ensure we maintain a state of the art set up and processes

  • Ensures high level of quality and productivity with respect to applicable Quality policies and Health & Safety procedures. 

  • Contributes, leads and support continuous improvement projects

Knowledge, skills and abilities :

  • Outstanding leadership and management skills (~15-20 people and/or multiple teams),

  • Strong project management, presentation and communication skills

  • Broad experience and relevant expertise in Drug Discovery

  • Experience and understanding of financial monitoring

  • Strong experience in project management and implementation of process optimisation approaches.

  • Proven record and expertise in sample management, extensive knowledge of screening, drug discovery and automation processes

  • Strong focus on cooperation, collaboration and customer relationships

  • Ability to lead and influence others (peers, superiors and subordinates) in a rapidly changing and growing environment

  • Ability to work in transverse and within multidisciplinary teams

  • Extensive knowledge in automation, data management and informatics’ tools

  • Knowledge of Mosaic and/or LIMS systems would be highly beneficial

  • Knowledge or expertise in Lean Sigma, continuous improvement would be beneficial

  • Good industrial and academic network, international would be highly beneficial

Experience and education :

  • PhD or engineer’s degree, in Life Sciences 

  • Minimum of 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry (especially in screening, compound/sample management or biobanking)

  • Proven understanding of automation would be necessary

  • Experienced scientist, project and managerial leader

  • Good communication skills verbal and written

  • Advanced level in both English and French required

Key words: People Leadership, scientific leadership, Sample management, compound management, project management, lab automation, screening, HTS, liquid handling, LIMS, Mosaic, drug discovery

FR : Dans le cadre de sa politique Diversité, Evotec étudie, à compétences égales, toutes les candidatures dont celles des personnes en situation de handicap.

ENG : In the frame of our Diversity policy, Evotec considers, with equal competences, all applications including people with disabilities.

Was uns besonders macht

  • rocket

    Unser Businessmodell

    Mit Evotecs Aktionsplan 2025 “The data-driven R&D Autobahn to Cures” wollen wir in der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Life-Science-Branche wettbewerbsfähig bleiben. Gemeinsam für Medikamente, die zählen.

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  • builb

    Unser Know-how

    Gemeinsam sind wir Schöpfer und machen aus Visionen Heilmittel. Bei Evotec kann sich eine kluge Idee entfalten und reifen, mit Hilfe unseres hohen Fachwissens und modernster Technologien.

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  • group

    Unsere Mitarbeitenden

    Unser kooperatives und vertrauensvolles Arbeitsumfeld ermöglicht lösungsorientierte Diskussionen unter Kollegen. Wir inspirieren uns gegenseitig zu großen Zielen und wissen, dass wir gemeinsam weiter kommen werden.

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Wer zu uns passt

Kulturelle Passung und Soft Skills sind wichtige Erfolgsfaktoren. Mit folgenden Eigenschaften passt du gut zu uns!

Wer zu uns passt

Kulturelle Passung und Soft Skills sind wichtige Erfolgsfaktoren. Mit folgenden Eigenschaften passt du gut zu uns!

  • Neugierde
  • Kreative Denkweise
  • Vorausschauend
  • Ausdauernd
  • Anpassungsfähigkeit
  • Teamplayer

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